viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Bad Bank..

Weeks ago the news about the creation of a "band bank" in Spain was taken as a miracle for the banking system and even for the markets (Ibex 35)... Weeks later its a reality, the prime minister Mariano Rajoy will decree the framework for the bad bank!! It will be managed by the country's central bank and the F.R.O.B.!! 

But what the hell is the Bad Bank???.. Well theoretically the bad bank will have the function of getting, buying, catching all the bad loans and souring assets (Many of them related to the real-state sector) to make a new bank (obviously bad one!!) and help the rest of the banks and bank savings to get well and clean their assets. Actually the banks have already been forced to recognize steep looses on the assets and loans, they don't have another option the last years they have been given and given loans to companies and people who don't have money to pay them right now and they are considered as provisions in their balance sheets or bank shit?...
The announcement was today!! and how I knew it just cause I saw the Spanish stock exchange which has got +3.13% today!.. That doesn't mean absolutely anything cause of the volatility rules theses last days.. 
We are talking about a bad bank not an idiot bank!!.. Cause another function is to sell the sour assets to another investors (They have to be really stupid ones), we know that right now its so hard or even impossible  cause the property market had crashed! The houses decreased their value around 20% and the experts say that it will reach 30% and will stabilize til 2015 - 2016. So the bad bank has to hold those assets to sell them till 2015. 

jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

Real Madrid!! Super Cup Champion!!! :)

Great Result, great first 30 mins! We should have scored around 4 or 5 goals! Damn Higuain why why why you missed those goals!! pffffffffffff.... Are you crazy????
Two early goals in the Santiago Bernabeu from Higuain and Cristiano Ronaldo.. (Really nice second goal!!!).. was an exhibition of us..!! :).. Adriano was sent off for Barcelona on 27 mins!! for hauling down Ronaldo as he tried to race clear on goal... What an idiot guy!! that fault was so obvious..!!.. Red Red Red Card!!! 

What did he try to do?? :S.. get naked ronaldo?

Unfortunately, Barcelona is a great team.. and they have really great players..  and one of them is without doubts, Lionel Messi. He socred with a free-kick.. and Barça thought,why not? we can do it..
Anyway, we were champion with the 2-1 and we knew it.. and we did it!! :D..  suffering ofc!!.. cause nothing is easy against this Barça...


Great Pepe and CR7!!!!

Cant stop singing this song... Solo quiero un poquito de tu vida entera!, Camina! cada paso tuyo a mi me contamina... te comeria con pan y matequilla :)..!!....... 


Quiero tocar el cielo azul...y la sensacion que me haga sentir que estoy junto a ti.... lalalalalala..

martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Catalunya 5 billions for a rescue!!

Catalonia, the largest of Spain’s 17 autonomous regions, will seek 5 billion euros ($6.3 billion), almost a third of the 18 billion-euro fund created in July by the government of Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy!!!. Valencia was the first to tap the fund with a request on July 20. What will mean? hmm.. 

The Avengers Dvd..

Today I received the blue ray of the Avengers, which I had bought on net 15 days ago.. :).. Contains extra scenes.. not too much just few ones, and much more like fake scenes and comments about everything, and a video about how the film was made (Since 2007). 

What does make this movie so great?, its the 3th of the highest-grossing films list in the whole history!!! (with $1.511 thousand millons)!! just after Avatar (1st place with $2.782) and Titanic (2nd place $2.185).. hmm we have to say that this is not all the money ;) .. we have to wait for the sales of the DVD.. that would make  it raise around 10% or 20% more.  
Another one reason why I like this film is, cause was the final film of a series of previous films, yeah like Iron Man, Hulk, Thor and Captain America. At the beginning nobody wanted to produce Iron Man any studio film tho it was a serious project, but right now we saw that ir was a completely success. The actor Robert Downey Jr. earned around 50 million just for the Avengers.. So far from the salary of the sexiest woman in the earth Scarlet Johansson (5 millions, oh god why she is so sexy in the movie? plus red hair!!!), we know the people like Iron Man, but was he so important for the movie? or better, Was he so important to earn much much much more than the rest of the cast? :).. Who knows?... 
There is one hero who I like the most, and he is the Captain America.. I like the movie, without not much budget they made a great movie.. and the personality ofc... Who doesn't want to defend his own country?.. Who vows to fight like a man for what's right night and day? Who's here to prove that we can?.. lalala.. Oh sorry I stop singing.. (here is the video.. :D ), and the hero I wouldn't want to see next to me, its ofc Hulk.. No more comments!! :S.. 

Anyway the effort made to produce 5x movies before the Avenger was another reason to buy it.. 

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Modric set for Real Madrid move...

Finally after a lot of conversation and negotiation, there is an agreement between Tottenham and Real Madrid around 30 Million plus incentives (around another 7 millions).. Well this is a great news after the tragedy lived in Getafe, a light at the end of the tunnel.. 
He will arrived to Madrid at the 11 a.m. Monday.. And immediately to the Santiago Bernabeu to sign the contract.. around 5 million/year and 5 years.. I hope he will be training with the rest of the team at the afternoon of the same day..!!

Where will play Modric? I mean in which position on the pitch.. I dont know, really.. instead of Xabi Alonso, sounds impossible, Xabi is the best player and there is none like him around the world, he is irreplaceable.. Instead of Khedira?.. could be, just when we need much more attack instead of defence, so probably one.. But the one who is much more probably is helping Ozhil or even instead of him.. We know how is Ozhil.. He is a great player but he doesnt have continuity in the game.. sometimes he is good, sometimes he is the greatest but unfortunately sometimes it is a pitty to see how he plays. 
Thats mean Kaka needs to get out of Madrid.. Oh Kaka, it is an interesting situation, so bad for both parts for Madrid and for Kaka, I will talk about it later :).. For now lets say Welcome to Real Madrid, Modric!!!

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

Which musical Instrument is the best?

In my opinion the best is the violin.. just listening the great sounds of it, makes my life has sense.. Its great great great.. lalalalala... Its so elegant, so classic, so peaceful and of course its so beautiful (Beethoven's 5th symphony) . Its just my opinion, and its not just an instrument of the past or just works with old music, no no no, you can hear violins in the modern music, yeah like pop.. Maybe cause they noticed how great it the sounds.. Don't you believe it?.. hmm bad bad... think about Beethoven, Titanic's melody, Yo te esperare, call me baby, train drive by, fairytale, monalisa smile, and many onother sols music that sound great with a violin :)..

In the second and third place are the piano and the guitar.. Oh the piano what would be Beethoven or Mozart without a piano in their lives, maybe nothing! And I don't have to defend these ones cause everybody likes them.. cause they are so famous.. and their sound is great too :).. 

viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

the Expendables 2 (Los Mercenarios)

Tonight I went with 2x friends to the cinema... to see the Expendables 2 (Los Mercenarios in Spanish) its a nice movie really nice one, if you like to see blood and action scenes, this one is the best choice, cause you will find dead, guns and lil jokes before seeing people dying... Well, what makes this movie different from a typical one, is sense doubt, the cast...!! Silvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Terry Crews, Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger (God why is so difficult to pronounce it and even write it ;D ), Bruce Willis, Van Damme, and so on.. All of them in this movie!!.. They are great actors, old but great ones, anyway all this movie is about revenge!! why? you have to see it :).. go ahead :).. 

Not everything is happiness :D.... 

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Barcelona vs Real Madrid 3-2... Thanks Valdes...

Nothing else to say... :) lets see what will happen on Wed.. I have to say thank you Valdes, the goalkeeper of Barcelona cause without his great help we will play on Madrid with a better result :D...

Ronaldo scored again, he is the first player of real madrid in its all history who scores in the Camp Nou 4x times in a row... :)

miércoles, 22 de agosto de 2012

Heat wave!! :) Goodbye...

Finally we can say goodbye to the heat wave :) God I couldn't sleep well these days ;(.. at nights always woke up just cause the so hot weather, I had all the windows open, but nothing, no effects :( .. We just could sleep with the air condition but when I see the bill I will not sleep again :S...
In the weekend there is just one solution... beach :)... No more.. just beach and a bottle of water.. :)..

43º pfff and this wasn't the highest :)

Anyway, I guess I can sleep well the next days :).. My bed is not so big so I cant move a lot :D.. I wish.. But I can move anyway.. sometimes I wake up with my legs where were my arms before fell asleep :o.. so mysterious.... ¬¬..

Oh I saw in news, that this year and specially the last month July was the month which more tourists has come... Almost 8 Million just in July!! This is one of the reason to explain why Spain is the third country most visited in the world :).. after France (Paris) and USA.. Of course I don't have to say that Catalunya is the part of Spain most visited :).. (Barcelona, Costa Brava :D)...

See you tomorrow!!! :)

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

Without Pepe.. Yes we can!! Or not??

Its Tuesday and after the match of Sunday we are just waiting for the Super Cup of Spain which face the winner of La Liga (Real Madrid) vs the winner of the cup (FC Barcelona). But this time (Probably after the hit in the match vs Valencia) Real Madrid has to play against Barcelona without his best defender and the   one who stop Messi, who else? Pepe.. Its so bad, sooo bad..
I think that we have to score in the Camp Nou, its an obligation!! If we dont score in the camp Nou the next match in our home will be so complicated! so first score and later think about the defense... But seriously without Pepe I'm sure we will see one or two goals of Barcelona.. ;( .. Anyway the most important is take care of the health of the players, and if Pepe needs to take rest, he must do it!! till thursday what cant we do?.. Just wait.. wait.. wait...

domingo, 19 de agosto de 2012

Madrid 1 - 1 Valencia

Dios empezamos muy mal !! :( muy mal!! ;(.. La temporada 12/13 ha empezado con un empate y no nos podemos quejar, el Valencia tuvo sus ocasiones, si las tuvo! se veia muy bien que ellos eran un equipo mucho mejor preparado fisicamente, se noto que su pretemporada empezo dos semanas antes que la nuestra..
Los peores jugadores para mi parecer fueron Di Maria, que aunque tuvo una pretemporada muy buena no se vio lo mismo en este partido oficial que al fin y a cabo son los que realmente importan!
Lass!! No me gusta nada de nada, tiene aires de zidane pero no lo es! No lo eres Lass!!!
De todos modos el campeon pincha en el primer partido!! Pero hay esperanzas!! El año pasado tambien empatamos con el valencia y terminamos ganando la liga... Hala Madrid!!

No seria normal no escribir de lo ocurrido en el partido.. La mala suerte tambien juega, y sino lo creen solo habra que mirar el partido, con Pepe, Ramos y Casillas lesionados :(.. 
La liga recien empieza y para esto queda mucho!!! Hala Madrid!! Nos vemos el Jueves!!!

Pics :)

Hey :).. I'm here to share these 2x pics I like a lot :D.. are from Turkey!! :O.. My friend gave them to me last days :D A great photographer or maybe its the effect of her new camera lol :D.. I don't know.. But the pics are great!!.. Turkey looks so nice, I envy you :D.. But I have the "Costa Brava" :D.. 
Anyway nice pics !! thanks :) You should give me more !! ehhh? :D 

viernes, 17 de agosto de 2012

Teddy :D...

Tonight I went to watch the movie  Ted.. I wanted to see it cause was nice by TV I mean the trailers :). It has a really good argument, the story of an old man acting like a lil kid, the eternal struggle between being a kid or grow up.. In this case with a lil of sense of humor.. At the end we all have to grow up and left our child things in the past (In this case Ted) :D..  
Really nice movie :D.. But I miss a semi real reason to give life a simply bear :D.. Damn we just need Christmas time, a lil kid making a Christmas wish through the window and wait for a shooting star :D.. Yeah that's all!!! :D
Anyway, the movie is ok like a comedy, its ok to see it, but its not an enough reason to go to the cinema for it :).. 

Don't ruin it :D

Not so good one :D

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

Day in the beach :)

Never go to the beach without the sunscreen and a bottle of water!!! :).. Its a very bad idea!!! :).. 
Today I went to the beach cause its day off and that means nothing to do in the whole day... So 2-3 Hours in the beach is good idea I tho :).. But these days are turning into a nightmare we cant sleep well.. at night more than +30 and in the afternoon sometimes more than +40.. God, Its like living in the Desert... Like in Las Vegas but without the fantastic casinos :D.. (I miss play poker ;( in pokerstars but at least I see some plays on TV). Well my friend was like a shrimp after those 3 hours in the beach :D.. was really funny.. Anyway this a pic of the beach :).. 

Messi, Cristiano and Iniesta!!!!

They are the three finalists to get the UEFA Best player in Europe award on August 30!!! :) All of them play in the Spanish league :).. Ofc the Best league in the world, cause we have the best players around the world. And its for that reason that wining the Spanish league is really a great challenge and only the best players can do it. The last x3 years were for FC Barcelona and Messi was the winner of everything  (Even in 2010 when Spain won the World Cup!!! and Argentina was eliminated and Messi scored 0 goals).. and obviously in 2009 and 2011 well deserved.
But this year its really different, Messi has scored just 4x goals more than Ronaldo in the Spanish League But Ronaldo won the Spanish League!! :).. and was semi-finalist in the Eurocup with x2 goals vs Netherland and 1x goal vs Czech Republic.. only the bad luck of the penalties was that stand in his way.. But was against the Spanish National Team, the Champions of everything, thanks Xavi, Iniesta and Casillas!

domingo, 12 de agosto de 2012

Gold for the Dream Team!!

Its just the script was written before the Olympic Games, The Dream Team, the team of Kobe Bryan, Carmelo Anthony, Kevin Durant, and Lebron James as the principles of this magnificent team!!.. Its like the old times with Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird!! Oh God.. amazing teams!! Who can beat them?.. Unfortunately nobody..   

But the truth is that Spain clearly could have won this match.. The game was in doubt until the last two minutes! TWO minutes!!!!! But for the luck of the USA players with the x3 points shots, free three over free three, I couldn't understand how they did it seemed to be so easy!.. I play basketball from time to time but seriously this is not the same!! and my 174 cm of height doesn't help a lot :S..

Anyway, this is an amazing team but the fact is that Spain was close!! much more than the final of the Olympic Games in Beijing, and Lithuania almost win vs USA, maybe cause the World knows now that  the basketball is a game for play not only in the NBA.. 

By the way, I cant finish this without my comparison of the two best players....


Kobe Bryan = Messi 
Cr7 = Lebron James

Can you imagine have this two amazing players in the same team :)... :P Messi + Cr7 playing in the Real Madrid :D.. I think this is just possible playing in the PS3 :).. 

lunes, 6 de agosto de 2012


A complete success!!! :).. This gonna be an historical day!! 6 August 2012, landing of curiosity rover on Mars. This is making headlines all over the world!!.. And for me, its really special cause I've always liked to see the stars and planets with my telescope... I had one when I was a child, unfortunately not anymore, but I can still read and being interesting in that kind of events :).. 
Which one was the probabilty that the curiosity has not landed? or had had an accident? I dont know but for sure it would be so high one. But fortunatly after 7 minutes of terror!!! At 10:31 a.m US Time.. everything was correct!! :D... 
The object is to determine weather, history and has ever had the conditions to support life..!! :)..  

Michael Phelps

Without any doubt he is the greatest Olympian in the history of the modern Games..! The best ever!!.. he is  Michael Phelps, I'm glad to live in the same  era than he.. Watch on TV how fast he swim and how easy he gets an Olympic gold medal.. so easy! yes!!.. Fantastic..! 22 Olympic medal!! The best ever! :)..

viernes, 3 de agosto de 2012

Goodnight and good luck...

Wow what a terrible headache!! really, that's sucks, I suffer so terrible headaches time to time.. hmm and this really sucks, I am in a really bad mood, I try not to be, but its impossible.. Don't know why, But doctor says its normal.. Normal? yeah its normal!!.. Maybe for you Bitch!! :)... But I got used to it.. I took a pill and then close everything, I hate light and love darkness when I am (As would say my roomie) "In these days" haha... :) Nothing much more to say.. 

Hate my job.. Yeah!! But its weekend so.. lets have fun and forget about it..!! :).. 

Real Madrid pre-season :)

Today started the pre season in Los Angele, Real madrid vs David Beckham's team .. :) of course this game was a friendly but is important because it is the first preseason game with all players in the squad .. And we have 25 players! ..
In the gray area are especially Ricardo Cravalho and Nuri Sahin, the club doesn't want them in the team and mourinho either .. and neither me : D.. hmm well Sahin is a very good player, but he has been affected by what I call "the confused effect" it is when you get enter into a great team (the best of all) and do not know what to do, you get distracted, you enjoy more of the life rather than strive to be in the first team .. :)
Another one who I want to get out of Madrid is Kaka! Yeah Kaka!!! 3x years in Madrid doing nothing but earning 9 millions!!!!! doing nothing!!! seems like a public worker :D ​​.. Modric Welcome to Madrid, the poor guy has done everything to come to Madrid... I would feel bad for him if he doesnt come to Madrid, but im sure he will be here.. so welcome Modric :)..

The best player of the match was Di Maria !! so great player, nobody can "gambetear" another player as good as he does :).. We missed him the last season cause he was 3 month injured.. 

We won 1-5 :).. and lets see the next matches cause August gonna be a really hard month :)...