sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

World cup 2

No more Spain England Ecuador and Portugal, my 4 favorite teams!!! Is that a joke?
I just hope nothing but the worse to Argentina and Brasil.
My second option Germany and Netherland :D
Yes we can!!!

martes, 17 de junio de 2014

World cup!

Ha empezado el mundial de futbol!! si y como ya sabeis significa un periodo de 1 mes en que todos los hombres pierden el norte, no saben de nada mas que de llegar del trabajo y ver la television! Apoyar a tu equipo a tu pais a tu jugador favorito o simplemente ver un partido de estos clasicos no tiene ningun precio. Incluso mejor que el sexo, bueno quizas no tanto...
Mis preferencias Ecuador, Espana, Inglaterra y Portugal.
Extranamente todos han perdido sus primeros partidos jajaja que desgracia :/ pero la esperanza es lo ultimo que se pierde no ? Siempre me quedara Alemania!!! Ya saben ese equipazo!!


miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014

Summer in London!!

Yes it is time for the summer its June!) This time my summer will be in London and a lot of people have told me that it is depressed! Why dont you go to Barcelona?, they say. I would go straight away! but I will not have vacation until the end of the summer, sadly. I already miss cycling by the seaside, or running between Malgrat and Canet de Mar! But I think these times will come soon or late but it will come, maybe now its not the time.

Here are some photos of the last days...

Even if you dont see it... Its the "K" of Kike :p
This is true!!


These have been really busy days but I would write more entries (My life is not so interesting as you think) haha....