I like to feel this again... Illusions make me feel young again.
There was a time I used to look into my father's eyes. In a happy home I was a king, I had a golden throne. Those days are gone, Now the memory's on the wall. I hear the songs From the places where I was born. Upon the hill across the blue lake, That's where I had my first heartbreak. I still remember how it all changed. My father said, "Don't you worry, don't you worry, child. See heaven's got a plan for you. Don't you worry, don't you worry now." Yeah!
domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013
miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013
Hell... Phone numbers.
Well about 4 months here in UK and I don't remember how many phone numbers I have had.
Lets see, the first days I came here I bought a sim card "Lycamobile" big mistake. overall for a guy who needs internet for everything, it was like hell.
Then I get a 30 days contract with Three, actually because was cheap and offered me unlimited dates, which means no limits using internet. ;D.. Wanted to keep my Lycamobil number, actually the seller told me I could do it!, but guess what? was a lie!! Idiot.! new number and start again. The signal or connection was a shit, everytime I came in to house I was without signal. I did not receive calls when I was in some specific places. I needed to change.
The time passed and I wanted to changed my three contract to another one. The new Iphone 5s came out an I couldn't resist to buy one. But this is not Spain, sadly. You need to live here 5 months at least and of course be working. I was working so the only problem was the time I have been here in London. I couldn't get the phone. I tried on net, and was not possible again, or at least I thought so.
With the disappointment I went to T-Mobile and get a new contract of 30 days. 2 hours later I got a message to my mobile phone saying "your package will be delivered on Friday".. What was that!!.. Couldn't wait until Friday, and guess what happened on Friday? The iPhone 5S was here. New phone, new number, and we start again. Keep my number, means move from T-Mobile to EE. But guess what? You cant!! 3G to 4G, same company, same bullshits. I needed to buy a sim card from another network, move from T-Mobile to that new sim card, later move from the new sim card to my EE, finally.
martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013
No Facebook.
Recently my Facebook profile was disabled, why? I have no idea. So these days have been really boring)). If you are curious get a Facebook profile, and I am, sadly.
Anyway I have no idea which are the steps in order to get back my own profile, I have sent emails to Facebook but 3 days after nothing has happened. No respond. This is absolutely an error. My VK or Twitter account is not the same !)) Maybe is time to create a new profile.
The bad news is that I had some photos on my Facebook that I will not get back.
Fortunately I will always have my own blog. This one.
viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013
Yeah!! finally is Friday! I am so happy for saying this, really happy ;D.. waking up every day at 5 am for working in the mornings got me really tired during the rest of the day, then school, gym and work again, is really a hell.. but this is my life for now, and I need to do it!..
But its Friday!! :) and I need to go out and live the London's Night life..!! I am tired of dramas and complicated things. The life can be easier. Got great plans, and as said one great person work hard but party harder :D..
martes, 15 de octubre de 2013
Eyes on the target!!!
The object of being here in London is to focus on my career and studies, and for now I need to move back to this way, is going to be kinda hard remember always my own way. But at least I will enjoy it for sure.!
lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013
Dejame Abrazarte.
I just wanted to hug you one more time, this was not the ending I really wanted for us. Because when someone make you believe in love again become an important person in your life. And you Yulie will be forever an important person in my life. If I had known that was the last time I hugged you, it would not have ever finished. And I feel this time was not my fault, so it is driving me crazy even more than if I would have someone who blame, its just life!. I just hope find someone with your smile and who make me at least the half of happy you made me.
I needed to write this, it is like a goodbye letter, cant keep living like this, and needed to say goodbye to myself. Nobody knows the future, and I cant live like this. My present for now is London and need to focus on it.
Really hope not lose you never and be your friend, if you want to.
But I must move on, and right now my heart must focus on my target, I found out the love is one of the most difficult things in this life but I have time and for now I just need to be back to my own way.
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Because everything can change with an smile!!! |
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Rainbow. Barcelona's Airport. New Beginning. |
domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013
Pasar pagina
Esta bien poder pasar pagina, y espero seguir haciendolo. Es dificil pero el tiempo ayuda.
Salir ayuda mucho y poder hacer cosas diferentes cada dia relaja mas.
Salir ayuda mucho y poder hacer cosas diferentes cada dia relaja mas.
jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013
My lubimaya
Really feel so bad, so sad!! My heart is really broken.
Yulie is the most important girl in my life. Preciosa.
Yulie is the most important girl in my life. Preciosa.
martes, 1 de octubre de 2013
These last days in London have been more interesting than the first ones, but feeling the same as before. Lonely. Being in a different country is never easy, but I have to admit that the family I live with make it easier.
My job is going well, but still need to improve my English, but for now is okay, is not going to be like this forever so that's why I am in calm. Need patient.
Another issue is the distance when you are talking about relationships, the last days I have noticed it, and I feel extremely confused. Lubimaya and me is not the same as before of course but I hope with time gets better. I am not the kind of guy who is looking for short relationships any more but as I said before distance is killing.
Last days I have met some nice people in London and I hope keep in touch with them in special Carl, Carla and Moni Moni. Friendship is something important in my life, even when I know I will not live forever in UK, I like to know them more and more.
martes, 20 de agosto de 2013
London is not bad but I miss Barcelona!
Around 2 weeks I've arrived to London and I already miss Barcelona. The London's weather doesn't help at all, I need to learn more English, when people talk so fast and with slang its almost impossible to understand, but I hope with time understand it perfectly, I just need to expand my bounces! Of course walking by the street and listening many languages (Not English) doesn't help either! Polish, Indian, Pakistani, some Afrikaans, Lithuanian, and overall Spanish!! London is a multinational city!!!
What a beautiful sky!! (Sarcasm) |
jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013
The last days in Barcelona were really great!
And that was thanks a person I met days before, what's her name? I was really confused at the beginning but now that name is unforgettable, Yulia/ Yulie/ Lubimaya.
nobody knows the future but the past is a fact and was really great!! Thank you Lubimaya!)))
viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013
These days have been really busy and its gonna be even more with time, for that reason I will stop writing for a while. Have a nice summer, and see you soon.
miércoles, 22 de mayo de 2013
Barcelona vs London.
Days are so difficult and will become even more difficult with the time.
For now, I need to start since the begging.
For now, I need to start since the begging.
lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013
Goodbye Mou!
Hoy se ha sabido oficialmente que nuestro entrenador no seguira, mediante una rueda de prensa por nuestro presidente Florentino Perez.! Hoy oficialmente se sabe que la etapa de Mourinho en el Madrid terminara.
Puede un presidente apoyar mas a su entrenador en una rueda de prensa??
miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013
HIMYM Revealed the mother! finally..
What a surprise! I didn't know this episode was going to be "the episode"! finally we know who is the "Mother" I know girls love making men wait but this is a new record Guinness, 8 years :D.. We don't know anything yet, how he met her or something about her, but we finally know who she is. She is not someone famous but when I saw her (after a lil disappointment) I knew she was the lovely girl who I was waiting for.
What a lovely girl! looks happy, cute, funny.
sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013
José Mourinho
Unos de los mejores entrenadores del mundo, the special one, ha ganado en Portugal en Inglaterra en Italia y ahora en España, y aun asi hay algunos que lo consideran un demonio.
Decir la verdad para algunos puede ser algo intolerable, sentar a Iker un sacrilegio, menos mal que Pepe no es Español porque sino ahora mismo Mourinho estaria crucificado en la Cibeles.
Soy madridista y es una verdadera pena tener que elegir entre el mejor portero del mundo y el mejor entrenador del mundo, pero es algo que se podría esperar desde aquel partido contra el Málaga cuando el entrenador sentó por primera vez al portero titular del Real Madrid dije, madre mía la que son viene encima!. Iker es el capitán y como tal ha demostrado estar a la altura sin ningún mal comportamiento durante su estancia en el banquillo y muy respetable a la hora de responder las preguntas malintencionadas de la prensa. Y eso lo que no soporto mas.
Al ver los "informativos" del mediodía te das cuenta rápidamente que de informativos tienen muy poco y que son mas unos programas de comentarios, comentarios en contra de José Mourinho.
Hes penoso ver a estas dos personas criticar una y otra vez mas a una misma persona, y ahora mas con la eliminacion del madrid en semifinales de la champion league. Ya no los veo mas, no por el hecho de criticar a una persona a la que admiro y respeto como el entrenador del Madrid sino por el hecho de que los considero unos cobardes, como ya he dicho antes es muy fácil hacer leña del árbol caído.
Por otro lado en un país donde la prensa no es tan critica con el trabajo de una persona como Inglaterra allí la gente que lo quiere y lo respeta desea su vuelta. No es un secreto que la próxima temporada se ira al Chelsea.
Me considero una persona Mourinhista y la verdad no seré el único, Mou es una persona que vive el fútbol como cualquier aficionado de calle, que le gusta vibrar y pierde los nervios con cualquier mal trato que se pueda ocasionar a su equipo. Lo defiende, lucha contra ello y no se arrepiente.
Seguiré al Chelsea muy de cerca y espero que ganen la premier el próximo año. Pero como es de esperarse seguire siendo del Madrid venga quien venga al banquillo, ya sea Ancelotti o cualquier otro, el Madrid es el equipo mas deficil de dirigir, no es como el Barcelona lleno de personas tranquilas, serenas, sumisas que no rompen ni un plato, el Madrid es un equipo lleno de egos de "haber quien es mejor", no me imagino al lateral del equipo corriendo 100 metros con opciones claras de gol y prefiera darsela al delantero centro para que este anote, esto no pasa en el Madrid (pero ridiculamente increible cuantas veces puede pasar en el Barcelona esto mismo, el lateral, el extremo, el interior, todos a Messi) donde la rivalidad personal para demostrar su calidad es superior.
Pase lo que pase y sea quien sea el nuevo entrenador el Madrid seguira siendo el Madrid siempre. El más grande entre los grandes.
jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013
martes, 7 de mayo de 2013
Feria de Abril en Barcelona.
viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013
martes, 30 de abril de 2013
100% Real Madrid.
Another night, so cruel night. Madrid is the only team in the world who can dream to make possible the impossible. So sad night.
The end of an era?
domingo, 21 de abril de 2013
"Reinhart mistake and Rogoff error" Excel depression!
The World can be so cruel sometimes! But seriously guys you deserved it.
Two years ago those both Economists made a theory based on dates about the growth of some countries and their own public debt. They said that if a country had more than 90% of debt the country will have a slow economic growth in the next years.
Sounds "some" reasonable but Thats it, just "some". They confirm that the high debt leads to a slow growth without any other comment the Politicians used this during these two years to increase taxes (In order to decrease the debt) to get out of the depression. what¿?¿?...
Even the Washington Post published an article saying that USA was in trouble because they will exceed the 90% of debt that the Economist consider dangerous. Yeah the economists, not "some", not "few", not "just two".
Since the beginning that theory was always in discussion until few days ago where some teachers analysed the dates of Reinhart and Rogoff and they find out what really happened.
Statistical errors, omission of relevant dates and what is really impressive, an error on excel formulas.
jueves, 18 de abril de 2013
Goodbye my flat..
I have already talked with my friends and my time in this town is coming to its ending, the first days of May I will go out. Around two years and good remembers!!)) Enjoying last days on this town!! in some days I will need to talk with my boss too... I do not know how !! or what I will say.. Well of course I know but pfff...
domingo, 14 de abril de 2013
Deception Point.
Really nice book! I just finished to read it yesterday, and in the last 100 pages you can see who is the real bad guy! amazing and unexpected! well I do not want to tell you the whole story but it is a good book to read.
Conspiracy between the White House and the NASA for the discovery of a meteorite which contain something really amazing all this between the career of election for being the new president of the United States.
It was my first book about spy and those stuffs and it was really interesting. 600 pages and around 1 month later and 1 stop of train lost (Yeah I missed my stop ;( so bad! :D)... Dan Brown is a really good writer with a great job of documentation.
jueves, 11 de abril de 2013
Champions League "Semis"...
Tomorrow is the sort!!! Oh my God!! :D
third year in a row on semi finals, but this year is different, 2x Spanish teams (As always Real Madrid and Barcelona) and 2x German teams Bayern and Borussia, this gonna be amazing!! Spain vs Germany!!!
This year means REVENGE!!
third year in a row on semi finals, but this year is different, 2x Spanish teams (As always Real Madrid and Barcelona) and 2x German teams Bayern and Borussia, this gonna be amazing!! Spain vs Germany!!!
This year means REVENGE!!
- Yeah against Barcelona cause after the drama of Daniel Alves in 2011 we got eliminated!
- Against Bayern Munchen because they eliminated us on 2012 with an incredible stupid penalty of Sergio Ramos (The NASA is still looking for that ball).
- And against BVB because this year they have been the only team who has won us.
Have you noticed all the rivals beginning with "B".
miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013
Monarchy in Spain
Yeah! we can talk about a royal, but royal pain!
For decades, Spain's Bourbons avoided the kind of public scrutiny that bedevils other European royals, counting since the beginning of the "democracy" in Spain after the death of the General Franco in 1975. And that is the reason why many Spaniards were happy with the king, because they saw him like the saviour of the democracy. It is so interesting, after being around 35 years under the authoritarian dictatorship of Franco, all the Spanish people think that democracy would come to its end. The chosen to continue this old era was the son of the old king or known as well as the king without kingdom "Juan count of Barcelona" (Yeah after the civilian war and the Franco's regime in Spain the king was exiled but not his son, who was risen in Spain with his mother and of course with Franco and his ideas) Juan Carlos.
After the death of Franco, Juan Carlos decided to establish the democracy again, of course like the others European reigns "Parliamentary democracy" which means get a democracy with a kingdom. For that reason the king was never subjected to public criticism. Or at least till those last years.
With around 80 years old the king spends most of the time from hospital to hospital, his last official trip was around 1 year ago and we just know about him when the doctor announces another operation. Is it so difficult to resign to the throne to give it to his young son?. We know some cases like the Queen of Holland, who abdicated the last year in favour of her middle aged son. She said "The responsibility for this country should lie in the hands of a New Generation", what a great woman. Thats the difference between those countries and Spain. Another curiosity, she has the same age of the Spanish King, and her son has the same age of the Spanish prince!.. Even the Pope resigned because he wasn't sure to be able to face his destiny.
Juan Carlos's son in law Iñaki Urdangarin is being investigated for involvement in massive corruption scheme. YEAH!! I don't want to talk too much about him because he was doing what all the people around him was doing, but he was so stupid to let the people found it out, which is get money just because he is part of the royal family, the creation of a firm to avoid taxes. And in this case he had the participation of his wife, the daughter of the king. But she is not being investigated, why? who knows, maybe because she is the daughter of the king?...
Days ago his eldest son shot himself in the foot!!! WTF? this is a royal shot!!! Bang!! A kid under 14 years old cant have his own gun, or play with a firearm.!! There was no more investigation, no fine, nothing!
While ordinary Spaniards cope with harsh austerity the King go to some holidays to hunt elephants! yeah!! why hunt small rabbits if you can hunt elephants in Botswana?... Yeah! $ 8,000 for a week in the safari and $15,000 for each elephant, a day out with a professional $2,000, I know where are going the taxes of all the Spanish people now, to Botswana!!!.. You know what is so curious? the King is the Honorary President of The World Wildlife Fun (WWF).
Yeah, he killed an elephant but he had to go to the hospital again cause he got injured the hip. A complete nice week!.
I am not a fan of the monarchy as you can see, I prefer the full democracy and the equity for all. why a person can get a salary around 80,000 euros just for nothing, why they cant reduce their own salary as every Spanish is doing it in these last years, why they cant show their real actives such as buildings, lands, houses, etc.
miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013
Goodbye My Chemical Romance.
This was one of the first bands of music I like when I was younger. Actually it turned into the most important band. I remember when I was at the home of my friend Jackeline just chilling when her another friend Kathy told me about this band and we started to listen it. Oh those old times! I will always remember these old times with these songs. I started wearing black clothes, 3x piercings one of them by my own well with a help of my sister, wtf! I will keep listening some songs of My Chemical Romance of course so the show must go on!.
"Being in this band for the past 12 years has been a true blessing. We've gotten to go places we never knew we would. We've been able to see and experience things we never imagined possible. We've shared the stage with people we admire, people we look up to, and best of all, our friends. And now, like all great things, it has come time for it to end. Thanks for all of your support, and for being part of the adventure."
martes, 26 de marzo de 2013
Cyprus the circus of the Euro zone.
Yesterday Monday the Eurogroup reached an agreement in order to bailout the Cyprus's economy. The European Central Bank had set a deadline "Monday" for the deal, after the Cypriot parliament rejected the first propose of the Eurogroup, one week later (and the time is really important you will see later why it is) Habemus deal!.
Do not worry the deposits under 100,000 euros will be fully guaranted, but in return of the aid, Laiki the second bank of the country will be shut down and the first one the Bank of Cyprus will be serious restructured. Another requirement will be to put heavy taxes on deposits over 100,000 euros, maybe around 30% of the total amount.
Lets talk about those deposits, it is so curious to know that the 40% of the total deposits over 100,000 euros came from Russia. A lot of Russian people were in shock when the embassy warning them about the possibility of a cut in their deposits by the Eurogroup, the time it is important! and as I said at the beginning that week was really important. The two most important banks in Cyprus were restrictive to just give a limit of 100 euros by day, something like the "corralito" in Spanish words so familiar in Argentina. But has someone really thought that the rich people might lose a single euro? The subsidiaries offices of those banks on England allow to withdraw any amount of money without any restriction. Nobody knows how many money have been retired from this bank on that week but for sure a huge amount.
sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013
Road to Brasil 2014..
The last one was an interesting match, Spain couldn't do anything with the defensive team of Finland, oh Finland what a remembers :D I just remember one phrase which I remember I learnt long time ago thanks one important person, I hope it is alright, Mita Vittua!!!! its means What the fuck!! or something like that :D..
Finally 1-1, was a nice match, Finland just had one opportunity and turned it into a goal!! Now Spain "just" need to win against France in Paris in order to classify in the first place to world cup, difficult but non impossible.
On the other hand if Spain classify in the second place they will play against another team in another round, the play-offs where will be probably Portugal, can you imagine one such as Portugal vs Spain, one team will be in Brazil and the other not. I am imagining a lot!!
The rest of matches on Europe were without any surprise, the biggest teams were the best and they won. But I have to admit that the match of Poland was kinda dissapointed (I just saw the resume) but they played in home!!! I consider these kind of matches like "clasicos" where both teams know so well each other and there is no any advantages on where you play. Poland played so bad, but to be honest Ukraine played better and this is why they won.
England!! Wtf!! 8-0 really?? San Marino?? No comments!
Latin America, Argentina, Oh mi Argentina!! now with new Pope and with Aguero almost in Madrid remind me good moments in Buenos Aires. They won an easy match against Venezuela, they are almost classified to Brazil and they will not travel a lot because it is so close... Ecuador didn't play yesterday, so bad!! this is why Brazil is not playing, so I thought well if we had to play against Brazil and Brazil is not playing because they are alright on the world cup, so we win by default right ? :D 3-0 like in the PS3!! lol joke!.. So no!! Next match on Tuesday against Paraguay (Que guay!)... Lets do it!!!
P.S. this is what I do on the train station!! waiting for the train :D..
domingo, 17 de marzo de 2013
sábado, 16 de marzo de 2013
Champions League...
It was a boring sort, with boring matches, the most important match on 1/4 finals its absolutely Bayern vs Juventus. I wish Juventus make a great match and pass but I will not be focus on this match cause sincerely I do not care about it, Both teams were so difficult to play against Madrid so its a luck to see a match between them, but of course I would have preferred one like Bayern vs Barcelona :D.. But this is my luck!!
Oh my luck!! finally when I was so sure that Barcelona was going to lose because Milan was a good defensive team and God they won 2-0 at Milano! but they did it so soooo bad at the Camp Nou, they were just thinking about.. I dont know what! but they played so bad !!!!!!! Barcelona won 4-0 pfff.. That got me thinking about what makes me happier if to see Real Madrid wins or to see Barcelona lose. ¿?¿?¿?¿?¿?....
I don't know, anyway if you want to get a great job you have to do it by yourself!..
On April 1/4 finals.!! and Galatasaray, against the Turkish guys and their so dangerous stadiums that make me think about the stadiums in Ecuador or Argentina. The first match will be on Madrid so we need to have a great result !!! but it will be kinda difficult because we will play against Sneijder and Altintop two both ex Madrid's players who will be so excited to play against us.
On the semifinals I am sure we will be a great game between Spain and Germany, yes! you know, Barcelona (even if they don't want to be classified as Spanish team) and Madrid against Bayern and Borussia. Cross your fingers! :)
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