miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

25! Vodka + whiskey + beer....

This last week was my birthday, Thanks a lot for being part of my life! I have new and great friends here in London and I am very happy for that. 

After a great dinner with those friends, came the party time! never mix those drinkings vodka (Lithuanian one) Whiskey and beer I dont remember anything !!!
I woke up and watched my mobile and I saw some photos that I dont even remember, and I wont upload them here :D
I think just once its alright, but lets try not to do so often, I just remember some phrases and some moments and its killing me cant remember everything!!
Anyway! Thanks a lot!! now I am 25! a bit older every year, but sexier as George Clooney haha or at least I would like to think that. lol
Lets try to think I did not say that!. 

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

Monday and day off.

Too much time doing nothing. 
Today has been a lazy day, I feel sorry for my butt but its the true. I just have stand up to cook and then come back to bed to eat and drink coke, which is normally a good idea but today I was so lazy that I left the bottle in the window, and fell down over my bed my sheet and the walls. Yeah that was the most interesting thing today. 
The photo up there was my face the whole day. No comments. 

sábado, 12 de abril de 2014

New Flat....

Bueno ya estamos aqui otra vez.
Y que ha pasado de nuevo? pues ya no se lo ultimo que he escrito aqui, pero espero seguir haciendolo mas seguidamente.
Ahora que vivo solo en Londres supongo que tendre mas tiempo para escribir o hacer mas cosas, como sera la vida estando solo? lo averiguare mas adelante.